Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekly Routine Update

This week I actually managed to get a decent amount of things finished. The YouTube account is starting to look like something after multiple video uploads. After struggling for quite a while with the rendering of the first video trying to find the proper format that YouTube would accept then getting the files down to the allowed size and duration. The learning curve is starting to flatten out, I think. Have a look at the current status of it in the links to the right. The plan is to begin work on the Disney World footage shortly as the Longwood Gardens footage needs to be handled first.

Still have some cleaning around the house (things to be put away etc) from the trip to Disney world but I did manage to finally clean out the Intrepid and do SOME work around the house. Took the Bonneville to the car wash to get all of the salt off and Brit (Grand Prix) well.. she's just hanging out in the garage till things warm up.

I managed to loose my fleur necklace yesterday at work but luckily managed to get to it before someone else used the truck. Usually sunday's are the "blah" day of the week but it helped out this time. Been eating the typical grub to keep costs down. Pasta, Ravioli, Pasta, more pasta, and spoil myself with a piece of chicken now an then lol. I did go to the Chinese buffet in Culpeper Virginia the other night though I deserved it after unloading close to 30,000 lbs of freight. It was reasonable, very cheap at $10 but I think I'll try the one across the street instead of down the road. (never trust a Walgreens employee for food opinions in Culpeper)

Its still a frozen expanse outside... more next week.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The first of many

Ahh the ranks of Bloggers. Joining them now is apparently something that must be done even if it is not something I prefer to do at this point of time. I do hope that this will not bore but be a source of entertainment for most as I am well aware it can't be entertaining for all who come here. I no doubt will enrage Liberals and those who relish the culture of political correctness that has infected our society with increasing ferocity over the last several decades. In this Blog you will experience my life, my views and my impression of the day to day chaos which comprises my existance. Here for all to read it begins this day 1/19/2009 and so we continue....