Monday, February 2, 2009

Awaken to the sounds of winter

This morning I was woken by the lovely sounds of jack hammering a few houses down. It seems that even when I go to sleep early something manages to wake me up and destroy the gain from my rare ability to tear myself from the screen at night. Managed to get laundry done, look over some finances, update my iPhone and even make it to the bank. A very productive Monday considering I rarely leave the house these days since Naomi is in AZ completing her internship and I have embarked on a quest. A quest which oddly as it sounds requires the least amount of travel as possible. I have placed my house on financial lock down. Every possible area that I can scrap expense has been scrapped. From unplugging items to save that last little bit on my electric, cancelling my cable service and turning off my furnace till the house reaches a chilling 57 degrees and thats during the day! My ceramic space heater has become my new best friend.

Why am I doing this? Am I strapped for cash? Have I lost my job? Alas no, I have debt to clear and while Naomi is gone I intend to clear as much of it as I possibly can. Don't worry, I'm still working on those Disney videos and they should be coming in the next few weeks. I have a lot of free time after all since the cable is turned off and well, you can only watch blu-ray movies for so long.

Shivering as I type, here's snow in your eye..

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