Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day Spectacular

Another Valentine's Day done and over. Was it as successful as I hoped? You'll have to ask her that. I will give Pro-Flowers a thumbs up for finally getting the bouquets right for once. It took them 4 times to get it right but finally, FINALLY! they managed to get not one but BOTH orders correct! This is the first time if I remember correctly that I haven't had to call and complain.

Its somewhat strange but for some reason I never thought I could enjoy Valentine's Day as much as I do now. Maybe it has something to do with Naomi. Up until her, every relationship I've ever been in Valentine's Day was a horror, a dreaded day that I deemed created by women to drive men (those who care about their wives/gfs) into a frantic distraught maniac that no matter what they do, they know the person their with will have expected or wanted more. I always felt my gifts were inadequate, silly, stupid, or just flat out pathetic. Maybe it was because back then everything was done last minute. A day before or the day of Valentine's day I would be exactly what I described "oh $*!T" mode. How this woman, this amazing woman, has turned me into someone that now plans ahead with enough time to think things through and come up with something creative is beyond me. I still in my mind feel that what I do is not enough and I need to do more but perhaps that is a good thing and the way it's supposed to be.

The amazing thing is while I feel this way, and I'm sure there are others who feel strongly enough that Valentine's day is now a day you look forward to, there were numerous interactions with people on that day and the day prior that made me feel sick and sad for the state of some people and their relationships. One example at the Wawa the other morning as I began my morning run to Virginia. A man and his son were in line in front of me purchasing a few things. The clerk had just about finished ringing up his items when the man blurted out "crap I'd better get the wife a stupid rose or I'll be in deep shit" I thought to myself, a single rose from Wawa, bought at the very last minute because if he didn't there would be a fight. I just stood there and shook my head wondering how buying something for his wife could induce such disgust, anger and annoyance for him. When I see and hear people talk about their relationships like that it really shows for those of us who are in loving wonderful relationships just how lucky we are and how much we need to hold on to what we have no matter what it takes.

Happy Valentine's Day

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